Daniel wrote:
chicagofan wrote:
Daniel wrote:
chicagofan wrote:
My personal address book is alphabetical as it should be, but when I
click Compose then address, I get another order, that makes no
sense. If I click on that down arrow it just puts "something else" at
the bottom, not what is highlighted. I thought it would move what is
highlighted down, one move/click at a time.

What happened? How can I get the names to list alphabetically when
accessed in the Compose mail window?

I'm using Win XP and Walnut theme with the last update of SM 2.07.
bj, I just went and had a look myself. Note this was with SM 2.1a2, but
I expect this to apply to SM 2.0.7 as well.

I normally have my addressbook indexed on the "Name" column. The only
other column I normally have displayed is the e-mail address.

So I clicked the little squiggle line in the top right, ticked "Screen
Name", sorted on "Screen Name", then un-ticked "Screen Name" (so I was
back to my normal two column display) and the list stayed as it was when
I had sorted by "Screen Name" selected.

Had to click on the "Name" column header to get things sorted by that
column again.

Is it possible you've done something similar??

What I have is a block symbol that I assume is the same thing as your
squiggle, and I tried that back and forth until they were back in
order... except for the 2 lists... that I use the most [an A-list and
B-list], which are reversed. The A-list is a group of friends that I
write daily and I named it that, so that it would be first and
highlighted when I open the address book. However, now the B-list of
business contacts is listed first... and I can't find a way to change
it. Far as I know, A should still come before B. ;)

I don't understand why the compose window doesn't show the same thing as
my address book, and can't see what I could have done to change it. Not
saying that I didn't... but can't find it now. :) I'll keep fooling with
the Screen Name switch and see if it shakes out.

Thanks Daniel for checking, we had the same address book setup... Name
and e-mail, so if yours is working, I won't give up hope I can get mine
to change back somehow. It may be something in my Walnut theme.

chicagofan, are you saying that if you clicked "Compose" and then
clicked "Address", in the left half of the screen, you get all your
contact names and email addresses listed. In the top right of that
section of the screen, at the same level as the "Name" and "Email"
column headers, there is another little Icon, which, if you click on it,
gives a listing of the columns you can have displayed.

Select another column heading to display, then click on that column
header so your address book is indexed according to the entries in this,
new, third column.

Now click on "Name" and the addressbook will be indexed according to
what you have as the name for the email address. Clicking on the "Name"
reverses the display order....well at least it does for me!


I'm saying that clicking on "Name"... the compose "address window" IS in name order... EXCEPT FOR... the "B-List" has been inserted FIRST on the list... although my address book is correctly sorted by "Name"... alphabetically. "B" does not come first in the alphabet to my knowledge. ;)

Can not get it to change by switching. :( Guess I'll have to delete the list, and create another or leave it out.

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