On 09/13/2010 08:44 PM, Anne wrote:
> L'autre, là, NoOp, avait escrivu :
>> Killed all mozilla.support.seamonkey on that machine&  resubscribed. Now
>> over an hour in it's downloading 5949 of 55303 headers... amazingly
>> slow. I suppose that I should have only downloaded the last 3 or 4
>> thousand headers, but I like to keep the entire archive headers.
> I crashed twice, yesterday, trying to download the 500 last messages.

Well, I figure that it will take me over a week to download all the
headers again at this rate. I'll just copy them over from another
machine. Thankfully I do not have this problem on other newsgroup
servers, only mozilla.support.x Unfortunately it's nothing new, as the
mozilla groups have been like this for a very long time.

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