Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-09-16 6:06 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-09-16 8:29 AM, Daniel wrote:
He never gave Ed a bug number either.

Phillip has a tendency to spread misinformation.

Ty it yourself heck I can even make a screen shot of the the code if I
open zip file I created of 2.0.7

look for this when you do about config


html head title body p br div(lang,title) h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
ul(type,compact) ol(type,compact,start) li(type,value) dl dt dd
blockquote(type,cite) pre noscript noframes strong em sub sup
span(lang,title) acronym(title) abbr(title) del(title,cite,datetime)
ins(title,cite,datetime) q(cite) a(href,name,title)
img(alt,title,longdesc,src) base(href) area(alt) applet(alt) object(alt)
var samp dfn address kbd code cite s strike tt b i table(align) caption
tr(align,valign) td(rowspan,colspan,align,valign)
th(rowspan,colspan,align,valign) wbr

I'm tired of people especially Chris That I am some type of Crackpot.

Check for this in the about config

this was in version 2.0.7

JoeS had a bug in on in TB and SM and I've commented on both. Go look
for the bugs yourself. If you think I have fuse about ready to Blow -
you not just kidding.

There is no pref called |mailnews.display.html_sanitizer.allowed.tags|.
I assume you're referring to
|mailnews.display.html_sanitizer.allowed_tags|. That pref has been part
of SeaMonkey/Thunderbird/Mozilla/Netscape for years. It allows you to
customize which tags are allowed when you set View-->Message_Body_As to
"Simple HTML".

I didn't call you a crackpot. I said that you have a "tendency to spread
misinformation". If you don't like it, back up your claims with links.

The same code is not in 2.0.6 and when I tried to send a test sound file in a Newsgroup that allows such. I tried several times. Then I read a a post about this sanitation code and what it was doing and looked for there it is

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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