Rufus <> wrote:
> Ray_Net wrote:
>> Rufus wrote:
>>> Steven Dukarm wrote:
>>>> How do I make SeaMonkey my default browser? I have trolled through
> > > > the
>>>> preferences and all of the menu options but I don't see anything.
>>> You have to open Safari Prefs and set it there. Apple built Safari
> > > to be
>>> the be-all when it comes to setting your Default.
>> Do you have to install Safari to permit you to put SeaMonkey as the >
> > default browser ? :-)
> On a Mac, yes - I believe so.  But Macs come configured that way from
> the factory, so unless you removed Safari it should already be in your
> Applications folder.

Yeah, Safari is built into a Mac in much the same way IE is built into
Windows.  The OS isn't quite as dependent on it, but it is always there.

I never tried to remove it, no real need to, but I am kind of curious as
to what would  happen if i did. 

The only Safaris I have ever actually installed have been beta test

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