On 20.09.2010 10:42, Phillip Jones wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

> Ray_Net wrote:
>> Philip Chee wrote:
>>> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 10:20:48 -0400, Phillip Jones wrote:
>>>> Jay Garcia wrote:
>>>>> That is not true, please stop spreading misinformation.
>>>> I've never seen a case where developers corrected a bug a user found.
>>> You are not looking hard enough. Look harder. I fixed the following
>>> bugs:
>>> Bug 86400  reported by David Carroll
>>> Bug 156734 reported by Jeremy M. Dolan
>>> Bug 388349 reported by Ed
>>> Bug 395371 reported by arno renevier
>>> Bug 414014 reported by Eyal Rozenberg
>>> Bug 482433 reported by Chris Wimlett
>>> Bug 534248 reported by Aleksej
>>> Bug 534322 reported by Kevin Brosnan
>>> Actually I fixed more but I got bored searching through bugzilla.
>> Could you fix this
>>    https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=218258
>>    https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=595696
>>    or tell me how can i fix it
> In reading the first bug from one end proves exactly my point that
> developers believe that users can't know what they want, that only
> developers know what users want. And tend to ignore users wishes.

Do you know what a RFE bug is and where they sit on the priority list?

*Jay Garcia - Netscape/Flock Champion*
Netscape - Firefox - SeaMonkey - Flock - Thunderbird
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