Jens Hatlak wrote:
Bill Spikowski wrote:
Are instructions posted anywhere on how to import passwords from
Seamonkey 1.18 on an old PC (Win XP) to Seamonkey 2.0 on a new PC (Win
7) with an entirely new profile?

describes two possible approaches. I haven't checked either of them since the recommended way of migrating from SM 1.1 to SM 2 is to use the migration wizard:

Alternatively you could go to about:config in SM 1.1 and search for "signon.SignonFileName". That should give you the name of the file that you need to copy from your SM 1.1 profile folder to the SM 2 profile folder (and rename it to signons2.txt, which is the Firefox 2 equivalent). If you use a Master Password, you'll need to copy the file key3.db as well. Background:


Thank you Jens. I had to delete signons.sqlite too, but now I have all my 
passwords on the new PC!
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