JeffM <> wrote:
> Popichak, Robert wrote:
>> I would prefer to use MS Outlook
> Maybe you should take your questions
> about Internet Exploder and Outbreaks In Excess
> to groups that specialize in those fourth-rate softwares.
>> Is there a setting I can change to default IE8 to Outlook?
> Everyone *assumes* that you know that
> the first is a browser and the second is an email client
> and that they do different tasks.

I think you misunderstand the OPs intent.  He wants to set OE as the
default email client for IE8 only, so mailto calls in IE will open OE
instead of SeaMonkey mail/news, which is evidently his default.

I didn't try to answer that since I am not a regular Windows user, but,
so far as I know there is no way to set OE as the mail client for IE
only.  He would have to set it for system wide.

That might actually work for him, since mailto calls from the SM browser
would still call SM mail/news.  

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