HenriK wrote:
With SeaMonkey 2.06 running under XP-Pro SP3 + all subsequent XP
upgrades, I find that with certain websites where I fill in data to use
the site I am visiting, SeaMonkey has 'remembered' what I entered the
last time I was using that particular website and this previously
entered data automatically pops up as I start to fill in the box where
the information previously entered. SeaMonkey is not 'remembering'
passwords that I enter, however.

I am uncomfortable, for security reasons, with SeaMonkey keeping
previously entered data somewhere. What part of the program is
responsible for this and how do I get the 'remembering' to stop?

In case this could be an add-on caused problem, I have Better Privacy,
ChatZilla, DOM Inspector, Down Them All, JavaScript Debugger, and
NoScript installed.

Help! All advice, suggestions, and/or pointers to appropriate tutorials
will be most appreciated.

I have the same problem without any add-on installed except french language and french dictionary. Therefore the problem is not located in an add-on.

So the question is still open:
How can we disable the suggested list of logon id's ?
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