Hey, guys,

The Commodore is still alive. Have a look at:



W3BNR wrote:
On 10/25/2010 1:11 PM Henry wrote:
Walter wrote:

Walter wrote:

I know this is a mozilla support for seamonkey but...

I want to access some other support groups through
news.eternal-september.org and have joined the site. I cannot find how
to subscribe to any of the groups. Would somebody give me a hint where
to start.

Apologies for off topic query.


OK. Thanks for the tips. I am set up now and have to decide which
newsgroups I want to visit. First one will be comp.sys.cbm Any other
Commodore 64 fans here?


I have the following Commodore 64 gear for sale. If you know anyone that
wants it, please let me know.

Commodore 64 computer
Commodore 1541C disk drive
Star SL-10C printer
Vic 20 model 1600 modem
Sharedata Utility Cartridge
Fortronics Cardio Inc DC/1 tape drive
No monitor - I used TV
Commodore to TV converter
manuals, many books, various programs and diskettes

I have no idea what this equipment is worth, but I'll never use it
again and so would like to get it to someone that can use it.

My phone number is 651-426-4144
e-mail is wa0...@arrl.net

Henry WA0GOZ

Henry - the last time I saw any of those were at a Hamfest about 10
years ago where I took mine to sell. All in all there were about 15
complete systems for sale by various hams. At the end of the Hamfest
they were all in a dumpster. No one took theirs home.

So, good luck in selling them.

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