Bill Davidsen wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
denewton wrote:
Ed Mullen a écrit :
Leonidas Jones wrote:
denewton<> wrote:
I explain that in english and in french beacause that is perhaps an
bug... or one fuctionality unknown...
When the navigator of Seamonkey is running only (no window for the
mail), if it's mails in the server, there is the bip whith the
: « you have x mails » and the messages are charged in background in
the inbox.
If this messages must be filter whith the filter-rules, the message
are charged but the filter is forced inactiv. Then the filter
become inoperante. I constate this, when I open the mail window : the
messages aren’t filtered and the filter is inactiv.
When the Mail window is open whith the navigator
(preferences-options), or if, before the navigator, the mail windows
is open only (Seamonkey.exe –mail), the filter function run
In French :
Quand le navigateur de seamonkey est ouvert seul (pas de fenêtre pour
le courrier) , s’il y a des mails en attente sur le serveur,
avertit de ce courrier avec bip sonore et visuel : vous avez x
courriers, et il les charge en arrière plan dans les courriers
Si les messages qui sont arrivés répondent à un des critères d’un
filtre actif, celui-ci est désactivé et les messages ne sont pas
filtrés : je le constate quand j’ouvre la fenêtre des mails après le
signalement de présence de mail, les mails sont dans le courrier
entrant sans avoir été filtrés et le filtre correspondant n'est plus
coché actif.
Si, avant d’ouvrir le navigateur, je n’ouvre que le courrier
(seamonkey.exe –mail) et qu’il y a des messages sur le serveur, ce
phénomène ne se produit pas et la fonction filtre fonctionne
correctement. C’est la même chose si à l’ouverture de seamonkey, la
messagerie est ouverte en même temps que le navigateur (option dans
les préférences).
What about ?

It is possible, in Preferences, to set SeaMonkey to not check for mail
until the mail client is opened. That works much better from here, and
while it will not really solve your issue, it should work around it.


And the way to do that is ...

Edit - Preferences - Mail & Newsgroups - check the box for "Only check
for new mail after opening Mail & Newsgroups."

Whenever that "feature" was introduced it drove me crazy until I
that one out. Please! Stop doing stuff for me! I'm smart enough
(marginally) to know what I want to do and when I want to do it.

I try and that run well. But ground of the question isn't resolve.

Nobody knows why the filter did not work in some situation.
I never encounter problem like yours because:
1. i never use a filter for mail (just for news)

That sounds like either
a) you get very little mail, or
b) you spend a LOT of time on manual sorting to avoid seconds of
writing filters.

2. i have postionned the retrieval-mail option in such a way that only
the manual (clicking on "Get Msgs" button) action is needed to retrieve

Whatever suits your needs.

That's correct ... due to the spam-filter used by my isp i have no more than 10 mails per day ...
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