On 11/25/10 5:30 PM, Jane_Galt wrote:
> "David E. Ross" <nob...@nowhere.invalid>  wrote :
>> On 11/25/10 12:10 PM, Jane_Galt wrote:
>>> "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <a.nony.m...@example.invalid>  wrote :
>>>> WLS wrote:
>>>>> Jane_Galt wrote:
>>>>>> Is Seamonkey considered defunct now?
>>>> No.
>>>>>> I cant even get it to work anymore with my subscription of Webshots.
>>>>>> Yet FF and Internet Explorer work with it.
>>>>> Works fine here. ....
>>>> The usual answer is the site is using browser sniffing, and won't
>>>> recognize any but 'common' browsers. The JavaScript on their main page
>>>> (Jane didn't specify any specific page)
>>> http://www.webshots.com/pro/
>>>> looks for "Internet Explorer",
>>>> "Firefox", "Safari", "Chrome", "Netscape" (!), "Opera", but not
>>>> "SeaMonkey".  (Yet another example of author bungle.)
>>> Yeah well it kept me from using my Webshots subscription for almost a
>>> month until I tried other browsers.
>>>> Adding the oft-mentioned "NOT Firefox" to the SeaMonkey User Agent
>>>> string might help. WLS, have you done this?
>>> Is there something I can do from here? Webshots wont even reply to my
>>> angry emails about denial of service by them.
>> Read my <http://www.rossde.com/internet/sniffing.html> to understand
>> sniffing and spoofing.  Although some of the page is quite technical, I
>> tried to write this in a way that non-technical individuals can
>> understand the issues.  (There is a very brief definition of spoofing at
>> <http://www.rossde.com/internet/intr_gloss.html#spoof>.)
>> Download and install PrefBar from
>> <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/67148/>.  Use it to
>> spoof Firefox, but only when trying to view Webshots (or other sites
>> that have broken sniffing).
> Says it's only for FF?


I previously downloaded the PrefBar .xpi file from
<https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/67148/> instead of
installing directly from the Web page.  (I do this because I want to
archive all software that I install on my PC.)  I then used SeaMonkey's
Add-On Manager to install PrefBar without any problems.

I just now downloaded the PrefBar .xpi files from both the Firefox and
SeaMonkey pages within addons.mozilla.org.  Comparing the SH1 hashes of
both, they are the same.


David E. Ross

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