Using Moz 2.0.10 on XP Pro (Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20101027 SeaMonkey/2.0.10)

I've been experiencing something for some time now that I don't get: clicking on a web site's link to a piece of streaming video pulls the video down, but it's not quite right. As an example, the BBC does a lot of video feeds from their BBC iPlayer setup, links can be found at Clicking on a link gives you a spinning dots circle while the connection is made, but then the video starts. And then stops after about 3 seconds, then restarts and plays through normally. It's that stop-restart that's puzzling me.

I've run various BBC web sites through the W3C Validator, and they come up clean. I'm using the latest drivers for my chipset and video card. I've changed hardware acceleration settings, but no help.

I've updated to the newest Flash Player, specifically choosing the 'other browsers' option. If anything, it's made things worse. The delay between start-stop-restart is longer now than before. And re-playing the same clips doesn't change it either--caching doesn't appear to be playing a part.

Any ideas?

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