Mike C wrote:
jtjohns...@jtjohnston.net wrote:
Daniel wrote:
jtjohns...@jtjohnston.net wrote:
Is this new?
When I open Sea Monkey mail, the Sea Monkey Mail preference/settings
(email/accounts/Advanced Features) page opens, not my inbox.
Waaaah. I want my default inbox back!
:) John

John, what have you set for "Properties" for the Icon you click to
launch SeaMonkey??


"C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -mail

Go to Edit> Preferences> Appearance> then check "Mail and Newsgroups"
This will not fix the problem. Every time I click on mail & Newsgroups this page opens:
not my inbox. This is new since the last automatic update.
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