On 1/12/11 12:35 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 1/11/11 12:55 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
>>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>>> In Netscape's Navigator 4.x, there was a capability to set bookmark
>>>> shortcuts.  I could set a bookmark in one place within my bookmarks file
>>>> and then set a pointer to that bookmark in another place within the same
>>>> file.  That pointer was a shortcut and was used as if it were a regular
>>>> bookmark.  If I changed the actual bookmark (e.g., if the URI changed),
>>>> that change would be reflected in all the shortcuts.  That way, I could
>>>> file copies of a bookmark in several different folders in the file but
>>>> would have to maintain only one instance of the bookmark.
>>>> I think this capability disappeared in Mozilla Suite.  Will it be
>>>> restored in SaeMonkey 2.1?
>>> In a certain point of vue, a bookmark *is* a shortcut.
>>> Why did you need a shorcut of a shortcut ? Duplicating the places where
>>> you can jump to a site ?
>> For this discussion, "shortcut" does NOT mean an Internet shortcut as
>> defined by Microsoft.  Instead, it means a pseudo-bookmark in the
>> bookmarks file that merely points to an actual bookmark in that same file.
>> I'll give just three examples of how I want to use this, but I have many
>> more.
>> In my bookmarks, I have a folder named "creating Web sites"; it contains
>> a sub-folder named "Font Selections".  I also have a folder named
>> "fonts".  There are Web sites that relate both to selecting fonts for
>> Web pages and to downloading fonts.  I would like to bookmark those Web
>> sites both in ["creating Web sites">  "Font Selections"] and in "fonts".
>> In my bookmarks, I have a folder named "Weather".  I also have a folder
>> named "Nature, Science, and Technology".  I would like to bookmark the
>> Web site "Bad Meteorology" at
>> <http://www.ems.psu.edu/~fraser/BadMeteorology.html>  in both folders.
>> In my bookmarks, I have a folder named "$$$"; it contains a sub-folder
>> named "taxes" with sub-sub-folders "Federal" and "California".  I also
>> have a folder named "Gov't, Politics,&  the Law"; it contains
>> sub-folders named "U. S. Govt" and "California".  The "U. S. Govt"
>> sub-folder contains a sub-sub-folder named "Executive".  I want
>> bookmarks to the IRS Web site at<http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/>  both in
>> ["$$$">  "taxes">  "Federal"] and in ["Gov't, Politics,&  the Law">  "U.
>> S. Govt">  "Executive"].  I want bookmarks to the Franchise Tax Board
>> Web site at<http://www.ftb.ca.gov/>  both in ["$$$">  "taxes">
>> "California"] and in ["Gov't, Politics,&  the Law">  "California"].
>> I did this with Netscape Navigator 4.7.  If a URI changed, I only had to
>> change it in the actual bookmark; the change would also apply to its
>> shortcuts.  When I transitioned to Mozilla Suite, all my bookmark
>> shortcuts were converted into actual bookmarks because the capability
>> for shortcuts had been eliminated.  Now, several years later, I still
>> find occasional duplicate bookmarks that no longer have the same URI.
>> I have approximately 1,000 bookmarks organized in over 120 folders,
>> sub-folders, and sub-sub-folders.
> This is just what i said ...
> A well organized hierarchy is to have the info in only *one* place.

It would be nice if Web sites only addressed a single topic, but that
does not happen.


David E. Ross

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