I apologize in advance if this has been published before, but I can't
find it and don't remember seeing it.
For those users of LogMeIn who are fed up with being prompted for the
Firefox plugin install, and then seeing that it's not compatible with
SM, I have put together a solution.
*-Download the file 'npRACtrl_ff3.xpi' from the LogMeIn site.
*-Using an archive tool such as WinZip or WinRAR, open the XPI archive file
*-In the root directory inside the archive, open the 'install.rdf' file
(open with or select program dialogs, if necessary)
*-In the file, find the section with the beginning & ending tags of
"<em:targetApplication>" and "</em:targetApplication>"
*-Select the entire section and replace it with the text below:
*-Close the text editor, answering any prompts for saving files as yes
or OK.
*-Select and delete the 'META-INF' folder. It contains metadata which
tells whether the file has been altered, which we just have.
*-Close the archive software, again saving changes.
*-Install the plugin into SM as normal and you're off!
This works on a WinXP Pro SP3 machine with SM 2.0.11, and I no longer
see prompts to install it, and the full-screen, etc., now work with
LogMeIn as they're supposed to. I've put all this in a contact email to
them, but if they don't change their XPI, at least we can do it ourselves.
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