NoOp wrote:
On 01/20/2011 11:36 AM, JJG wrote:
One thing I miss in Seamonkey is Thunderbird's 'Mark all Read' in the
context menu for each account.  Is there an add-on or extension which
will add it to Seamonkey's account context menu?  Or have I overlooked
that feature?

Thank you.

Right-click on the newsgroup, click 'Mark Newsgroup Read'.

Thunderbird has the ability to be able to select multiple subscriptions and do that for groups (or all) at once; and/or all subscriptions on one server at once (I think). SM can presently only "Mark Read" for one subscription at a time. I think I remarked about this being a great feature some time ago and someone said it was on the SM road map?..

Would be nice if it was, if it isn't.

     - Rufus
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