On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:41:35 -0800, Rufus wrote:
> sean wrote:
>> Rufus wrote:
>>> sean wrote:
>>>> wondering if this is a bug or a feature, my SeaMonkey is installed in
>>>> linux. When i bookmark a page, no box pops up asking me where to file
>>>> it, set its properties or tag it...
>>>> unlike firefox...
>>>> sean
>>> ...*that* is the dif between "Bookmark this page" and "File Bookmark".
>> and *that* doesn't answer my question...
>> i mean, i know i can crtl d but ... i'm not accustomed to having to do so..
> The answer to your question is "yes" - that's the way SM is mechanized 
> and FF is different.

And we were first so it's Firefox that's out of step.


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
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[ ]I can't be overdrawn, I still have more checks!
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