Terry R. wrote:

On 2/7/2011 9:16 AM On a whim, Paul B. Gallagher pounded out on the

Terry R. wrote:

On 2/7/2011 8:34 AM On a whim, Ed Mullen pounded out on the

Umm, right-click the message and choose "Edit as new"?

That overwrites the original. Template is the way to do it.

No it doesn't. But template is the way if you're doing more than
one or two knock-offs.

No it doesn't what? When I click on Edit as new, it overwrites the
email I selected, or sends that message, so no copy is left. And yes,
Template IS how it should be done.

Your experience is completely different from mine, both for SM 1 and SM 2, and for Mozilla before it, for that matter. When I edit a sent message as new, it does just that -- it creates a new message based on the old one, leaving the old one intact. When I'm done, I have two messages in my Sent folder -- the original and the modified version.

Of course, if we're speaking of drafts, that's an entirely different story. Editing and sending a draft does trash the draft in favor of the message actually sent, leaving you with nothing but the sent message.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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