On 2/10/2011 7:39 PM On a whim, Paul B. Gallagher pounded out on the keyboard

This goes back all the way to Mozilla, so it may be a W3C compliance
issue, but it's annoying nevertheless.

On many websites, I can't seem to get a decent printout. For example, my
local paper has a searchable obituaries page, and I got 60 hits on my
last search, but it would only print the first page. I can see the rest
on screen, but I can't get them out on paper.


This returns 60 hits, of which the first 50 are displayed, but only
seven will print. In fact, in print preview, the first page is the page
header with no content, the second page is the first page of content,
and the third page is the page footer. That's it. The other 43 hits have

I've tried this with several different printers, including Adobe
Acrobat, and they're all the same. Mozilla and SeaMonkey seem to think
the second page is 10 feet tall and print only the first 11 inches.

Needless to say, it prints fine in Internet Exploiter (except the header
page, which is the same in both).

Any ideas? I hate wasting ink and paper on ads, and I really hate having
to switch browsers whenever I want to print something.

Regardless of how everyone badmouths IE, it prints. I just tried the link with Chrome and it printed fine there also, even the header.

It's ridiculous that this flaw has gone on for years and still remains. I have had to remove FF on way too many client machines because of quirks like this that normal users don't understand and just start using what works. I've been installing Chrome on most of them since it is auto-updating and will update even with a Limited User account.

Terry R.
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