Rufus wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
M wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
M wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
M wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
I use a Mac and SeaMonkey (latest version)
on my machine I just stopped using used X.4.11 And SeaMonkey.

I was able to play wma/wmv files through a Plugin called
would allow QuickTime plugin to play WMA/WMV files. Now that
I am
a MacBook Pro (Intel Processor) It doesn't allow playing of
files with browser I need to add the file type to the
to use QuickTime plugin.

what's the proper format for adding file type for wma and wmv

Phillip, open System Preferences and click on Flip4Mac and that
allow you to set your browser preferences for

Nope I get t his when I tell it to use QuickTime.

Leave 'launch Quicktime player' *unchecked* in the browser

I use Flip4Mac successfully on both desktop iMac and MacBook Pro


Me too.

Tried both way no difference.

In that case I would uninstall Flip4Mac restart computer and
latest version Once installed try again leaving
preferences as


Which Quicktime plugin is your SM installation using? I've got QT
installed, and all mime types using that as a Helper and all is
well -
Flip4Mac is translating for 7.6.6 and not QT X, I might guess.

In fact after a look - the Flip4Mac site states that "QuickTime X
not support conversion using third-party plugins".

Try installing both versions of QT (X and 7) if you haven't done so.

I have both (the version that was on the install disc). and have all
helper set for 7.6.6 plugins. Problem there is no entry for
wmv/wma. At
one time you could add items to helpers. Then for some strange reason
that ability was removed.

what happening now is I click on Open from within the email a window
openes it loads about halfway and stops. I can save to desktop and
on and QuickTime opens and plays. I have enough RAM 8 GB and
Computer is
fast enough 2.8 Ghz i7 It also has the dual video built in and Nvida
video card.

Well downloaded and reinstalled Flip4Mac This time I clicked reload and
box came up then gave me a Choice of saving File or or playing with the
WMV Player (part of Flip4Mac.

I chose the WMV Player and QuickTime10 would come up. Not QuickTime 7.

But still I have to ht reload each time in order for it to start
QuickTime. Better than before. I guess acceptable. Evidently the
QuickTime 7 plugin doesn't work. with x.6.6.

Might try re-downloading QT 7 and reinstalling the plugin. I was just
able to open a downloaded .avi and .wmv file in SM, and also discovered
that my install of Flip4Mac needs I'll grab that.

But the QT 7 plugin seems to be doing its job in/for SM - QT 10 comes up
for me if I just double click to open outside of SM.

Also - in your Flip4Mac System Prefs - make sure that "Launch QuickTime
Player" and "Always show movie controller" are *unchecked* under the
Browser options.

I have the latest Flip4Mac 3.8.1

I just grabbed - I assume that's what you have.

Looking at Flip4Mac settings again, there's also a setting for "Play
.avi files" in the Pref Pane - make sure that's *checked* too.

Dunno why it's not working for you, but maybe we can still get it figured.

Phillip I'm using OS 6.6, on a Macbook Pro and iMac, have both QT x and 7.66 installed and have the latest version

In 'about plugins' there is *no* option for enabling wmv but there is a separate Flip4Mac Windows Media plugin.

The only preferences I have enabled are the ones mentioned above, i.e
*Use Flip4Mac
*Maintain aspect ratio

*Open AVI files

As an after thought you may have to restart after you make any changes.

Good luck, if it were me I'd start over again and the only preferences I would *touch* are the ones mentioned above.


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