Rufus wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Adam Jimerson wrote:
Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

1. Is this so important ... dropping PPC support ?
2. BTW What is PPC ?

PowerPC that used a RISC Processor from Motorola

Yes it important I just updated to Intel Machine only 3 weeks ago. And
it cost me a good 6 thousand to do so. Counting the Computer and the
Software. Just updating Software has cost me about 2-2.5 K. Not everyone
can afford to upgrade. I really can't I had to dig into my retirement
fund to do. When your 62 (Monday the 28th) and already.

10.7 Lion will be even more of a shock. there will be absolutely no
scintilla of PowerPC code. In fact Universal Binary will be a thing of
the pass as even Rosetta will be removed. So I ill have even more apps
That I will have to replace. Eventually this update will likely cost me
10K over time. But computer makers and software designers don't care
about financial hardships , what they do impose upon Users.

The days of using a Pencil and paper are gone. And its costly own a
Computer. Sure you can get a 2-400 dollar computer at WalMart. But if
you want to do more than get on the internet. You better have something
with some horsepower. And, horsepower takes Dough. Apple use to to the
most expensive Computers. But I've been in a computer store here that
sells Dell and other PCs and there are some Dells that cost as much Macs.

I'm bracing for this myself...I think what it's going to do is drive me
away from my iMacs and into the arms of a Mac Pro when I next
upgrade...which as you point out will cost me about as much as another

At least my main iMac and my Macbook Pro are Intel and should live
awhile. I'm not quite sure what to do with my G5 and G4 machines - which
still both run quite nicely.

Supposedly they can Use Linux. But I am too damned old to be learning a new OS system. and There is no name brand software for Linux as well. Best you can do is give to Goodwill or chunk it down the hill at the back of your house.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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