Daniel wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Tony Mechelynck wrote:
On 29/03/11 17:44, JohnW-Mpls wrote:

On my SM Mail page, the Local Folder has an Outbox. Is the operation
of that Outbox described anywhere? I did not find it in Help.

A few weeks ago I started to send 4 messages with similar content to 4
different addresses every day and the Outbox is handy for mailing all
four about the same time each day. To separate things, I copied the
Outbox icon from under the Local Folder to under the "4 massage"
account so releasing affects only that 4. Well, the Outbox looks
pretty there but it's totally worthless - can't get anything into it,
or out of it, nor even delete the dumb icon.

So help: any way to use an Outbox per account? Or, how can I delete
that excess Icon?

Take what I say below with a grain of salt: I'm certain of nothing.

I *think* that the Outbox is used to store temporarily messages on
you have clicked "Send" but whose sending has not yet either succeeded
or failed. Maybe it is needed, but only for internal use by the mailer.

I *think* that a folder (which may be called Outbox if your locale is
English, but also something else if you're in a different locale) is
outbox" is marked by flags set on that folder. Perhaps there is some
extension to help you see those flags, or even manipulate them.

Best regards,

Tony, I had to go and expand my "Local Folders" account to see if it
actually had an "Outbox", as I thought the o/p may have been mis-naming
the sent folder, or maybe the "sent" folder was being mis-named the
"Outbox" in a different language version of SM.

But the "Local Folders" does have an "Outbox"....and my normal mail
account doesn't have one, just the "Sent" box.

So why would I need an "Outbox" in my "Local Folders" account but not in
my normal mail account??

(Note: at work I use Outlook or Outlook Express, and it does have an
"Outbox" which does hold the outgoing messages until it is sent.)

I have only *one* outbox, and is located under the Local Folder.
If instead of "Sent Now" but "Send Later" is used ... the message goes
and stay there until i decide to later send it.

You're absolutely right, Ray!! Normally, if I want to "Send Later", I
save it as a draft and then send.

This is my thing for the day, thanks.

Glad to help you ... 2 ways to be able to send later ...
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