William Morrison wrote:

Norvin wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Norvin wrote:
Just had to format and reload Win XP, SP3 and using SM 1.1.18. My
problem is that after a power up and sitting idle at the desktop, SM
will do an autoload without any action on my part. I remember having
this problem some years ago and was able to make a minor change to
correct it, but, alas, my memory recall is not what it used to be. I did
remember that a process (Skmail) in the task manager could be deleted
and it would take care of it for the session until another power on
sequence. Hopefully someone can remember or recall what I can't.

Thanks in advance.

Norvin, what do you mean by "autoload"??

If you mean that your SM goes off and does a check for mail, have a look at Edit->Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings, and select "Server Settings" for your Mail account and have a look at your "Server Settings".

I guess I could have used a better term than autoload. After I power up my system and it goes thru its routine it will stop with the desktop showing on the monitor and then, without any action on my part,it will load and start up SM and show what I have optioned in the preferences. I can close SM and get back to the desktop for other work items and in a few minutes, SM will again appear in the middle of what I am doing at that time. Some years ago I did have the same problem but don't remember the fix. I do remember that if I open task manager and remove the process "sksmaild.exe" then I would not have the problem anymore until the next power off/on operation.

This sounds like something that could be fixed using MSCONFIG under the run option of the Start Menu. See if this sksmaild.exe is listed under the start up tab of MSCONFIG, if it is disable it and see what happens.

Bill, this file does not show up in MSCONFIG, althou the file SKDAEMON.EXE does and this is what creates the sksmaild file which causes me the problem. I have a keyboard with the "rapid access keys" across the top and I need the DAEMON file to run this feature. And yes I do need this feature for some operator needs.
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