If it helps as a poit of reference, with the following config I get:

Download 4378 KBits
Upload  2811 KBits
Connections  929 per min
Ping  34ms

SeaMonkey  version 2.0.13

    *     Copyright © 1998-2011 by contributors to the Mozilla Project.

    *     Read the licensing information for this product.

    *     See the build configuration used for this version.

* Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110320 not Firefox/3.6 SeaMonkey/2.0.5, Firefox/3.0

> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
George Carden wrote:

This happened a few minutes ago, and I used the site
http://www.speed.io/index_en.html to conduct a speed test on SeaMonkey
and Internet Explorer, one right after another. Here are the results...

I happened to have Opera open when I read your post. Here's what that
speed test site told me:
In order to use speed.io you need Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari

If you want to test your internet speed with Opera, we recommend you to
use the AJAX based speedtest at Speedmeter.de

You will be redirected automatically in 5 seconds . . .

Notice SeaMonkey is not listed.   :-/   But with my Firefox-spoofing UA
string it would run. It reported 7984 Kbps down, 884 Kbps up. Then I ran
it with Firefox, and got 12922/1057 on my 13Mbps cable line. I have no
Internet Explorer, nor Windows. So SeaMonkey reports slower than
Firefox. but far from the difference you are reporting.

What speed are you actually paying for?


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
SE-GA Tailgate - April 9th, 2011
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