I would *love* to see this feature added to SM. I've asked this question before myself, and I think I got an answer back that it was "on the SM road map", but I can't recall for sure.

Having Mail be able to open in a tab within the Browser window is *the* way to go, particularly on a laptop - saves a lot of screen real estate. And on a Mac with Spaces I could just open SM full screen in it's own virtual desktop space and have a better view.

One window, many choices...yeah, Opera got that one right. Laptop users dream come true, IMO.

     - Rufus

Viliam Kubis wrote:
That's a matter of perspective. Sure the email client is somethig
completely different than a web page in a browser tab, but I think I'm
not the only one who would like to have their email client in a new tab
right next to their open webpages. I, for my self, am used to tabbed
browsing in such an extent that when I receive a new email in seamonkey
I go:

- ok, now, where's that webpage I want to copy something from? Oh, it's
in a new window. Ok, click there. Now click on the webpage's tab.
Information copied.
- now where's that email I am writing? I see, different window again.
Switch & paste.

That's just my personal habits, and of course it requires only a little
of concentration to realise that the email is actually in a different
window, but when you try to do things fast and you do not have a lot of
time, you rely on your personal habits, preferences and experiences to
perform specific actions to complete your task. So many times that I
work in seamonkey and have 15 tabs open, I spend a couple of seconds
looking at them and searching for "that email tab" before realising
"aha, it's a different window".

I would not be asking to implement this "out of the blue", but seeing
that entering chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul in the address
bar in a new tab actually opens the email client that partially *works*,
but crashes upon many common actions, made me thinking that maybe it's
not that difficult to implement from the development perspective / in
terms of code. Maybe there are few places in the code of the messenger
that rely on "i'm sure i'm in a window, so call it's xxx method /
perform action x". Of course I have never seen mozilla rendering engine
and/or any part of the seamonkey code, so that's why I would like to
hear some pros and cons of the concept, in terms of code / development
costs and not personal preferences whether this feature is practical or

I realise that there are many more important goals in the seamonkey
project than this one, but it's just a feature request that I think many
people (including me) would find convenient.

Thank you

On Wed, 13 Apr 2011 00:12:47 +0200, Ray_Net
<tbrraymond.schmit...@tbrscarlet.be> wrote:

Viliam Kubis wrote:
Of course as an option, not fixed for everybody. You could choose
whether to open the mail client in the traditional way (new window) or
in new tab.

This look inconsistent.
Mail is not another web page, it's completely different.
Opera is wrong - he mixed two different things: an object and a
collection of objects ...
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