M.O.B. i L. wrote:
I found a script that was supposed to be a WebDAV-server but I couldn't get it to work for uploading: <http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/4736/php-based-webdav-server-can-be-used-with-any-eg-free-hosting-plans-and-via-standard-ports/>.
I tested it with CyberDuck <http://cyberduck.ch/>.

The only thing, that may work, is to try to publish to a local Apache server and then have a look at the logs, what happened while your local server served a 404 error.

Is there any simpler server script in PHP or Perl that isn't perhaps WebDAV but still works with SeaMonkey publishing over port 80?

I think it's the better way to just learn HTML and code your websites in a good text editor. Composer never was a good way to create websites. Especially as Composer doesn't support CSS and always converts well formed XHTML websites to HTML 4.x.



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