The SeaMonkey project has branched off comm-central for our upcoming SeaMonkey2.1 release today.

You can find the repository for SeaMonkey2.1 in || if you clone from there, then you can simply | checkout| from the repo root to get all the other required repo's, including mozilla-2.0.

comm-2.0 is string frozen, as of now, comm-central is not.

SeaMonkey developers should still CONCENTRATE on comm-2.0 for active development as we near shipping seamonkey2.1, and will have to land patches in both comm-central and comm-2.0 until we ship. (being sure not to land any l10n changes in comm-2.0)

(below is what I ---tried--- to send out last night)


As of tonight, I CLOSED comm-central for the comm-2.0 branch setup for SeaMonkey.

For those who do not know, comm-2.0 is intended to be built with Gecko 2.0 for the upcoming SeaMonkey 2.1 release. Thunderbird/Calendar have decided not to do a release based on Gecko 2.0 and instead will base their next release on Gecko 5.0.

Since SeaMonkey is the only ones following Gecko2, and since our release date is nearing, we have decided to branch comm-central now to avoid further potential traps and issues.

* The comm-2.0 repo will be open for landings as early as tomorrow.
* Tonights nightly for comm-2.0 builds will be based off the || repository.
* comm-central (for suite/) will remain CLOSED until comm-2.0 is also open.
* When both repo's reopen, SeaMonkey development will still be focused on SeaMonkey2.1 and all patches will need to double-land (see below) * comm-2.0 will remain l10n frozen, and comm-central will be free to take l10n updates for seamonkey when the trees reopen.

We need to really narrow in on SeaMonkey2.1-final and get this release out the door, Firefox 4.0.1 is imminent, and likely to be the final .x release off mozilla-2.0

There are still some minor bugs to fix for the comm-2.0 setup, but none of them should drastically affect our plan.

See Bug 646804 for details.

Followup To (please respect) ask any and all questions there.

~Justin Wood (Callek)

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