As a fairly new user of SeaMonkey can I as why x86_64 is not supported. 
I have been running SeaMonkey(2.0.13) on my openSUSE 11.4 Linux system 
and have not really experience many problems. Main problem I've seen is 
distribution lists do not always import csv files correctly.

Can I install 2.0.14 in parallel with 2.0.13.

On Tuesday, April 19, 2011 06:28:02 AM Ian Neal wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> All the builds for SeaMonkey 2.0.14 have been created (updates are
> available on the betatest channel soon), so it's time for starting
> tests on them to ensure we get an update out there that is worth
> shipping to all our 2.0.x users.
> Please help us testing the Windows installers, Mac disk images and
> Linux packages, all available in 24 languages including US English.
> The packages are available in the linux-i686, mac, and win32
> sub-directories of
> dates/build1/
> Once again, the linux-x86_64 build is NOT OFFICIAL and NOT ENDORSED.
> It will be listed as "contributed build" even if it was technically
> created by our build system, and it will be treated in no other way
> than usual contributed builds. In other words, it's just an
> experiment.
> Please use the builds for any usage patterns you can think of,
> possibly also doing a
> smoketest run
> on them. I know that Litmus run isn't perfect, but it's the best we
> have right now.
> Localizers, please test the builds in your locale, any updates can be
> taken with further sign-offs (in the new tool) which was introduced
> for 2.0.13 and future updates.
> If no problems come up in testing those builds, they will probably go
> live as the official 2.0.14 on April 26, in sync with Firefox and
> Thunderbird updates that will fix the same set of security issues.
> The list of bugs fixed in this update contains 28 public reports thus
> far, 18 security issues are currently hidden and only to be disclosed
> upon release of our updates. The bug query to find the issues is
> &product=Testing&product=MailNews+Core&product=SeaMonkey&product=Othe
> r+Applications&field0-0-0=keywords&type0-0-0=anywords&value0-0-0=fixe
> d-seamonkey2.0.14&field0-0-1=cf_status_191&type0-0-1=anywords&value0-
> 0-1=.19-fixed&field0-0-2=cf_status_thunderbird30&type0-0-2=anywords&v
> alue0-0-2=.14-fixed
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