Thomas Pamin wrote:

Could you please provide the actual wording in order to get the spoofing
to work?

See my previous post in this thread.

There's more than one way to go about spoofing. Ultimately, the setting you're working with is in your prefs.js file, general.useragent.override. You can edit the prefs.js directly with a text editor, or get to it via putting about:config in the Seamonkey address bar. However, once you make a change, if you want to change to something else (e.g., you make a temporary change), then you have to repeat the process each time you change.

For me, the strong preference is in using PrefBar, which allows for quick, on-the-fly changes. That way, if I'm at a site that doesn't like Seamonkey, then I can grab the spoofing I want at that particular moment.

The defaults offered by PrefBar are mostly old, and so you generally have to do some editing to account for more current versions. You probably won't want/need to spoof Netscape 1.7.3 for Linux very often...

As noted previously, inserting "SeaMonkey/2.0.13 NOT " before "Firefox/" (at the end of the string) is a good way of spoofing so that "Firefox" will satisfy the site in question, but that you're showing "Seamonkey", and that it shows up in the logs. That's something that I found by reading the archives of this group.

Most of the time, spoofing this way works, but I do occasionally hit sites that do browser sniffing differently, and as a result, I do keep a spoof string that is a full copy of a valid string presented by Firefox. Right now, this is what Yahoo is doing with its beta.

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