Mike wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Alternatively, he can use SM's built-in newsgroup reader by subscribing
to mozilla.support.seamonkey on the server news.mozilla.org. This will
automatically direct all replies to the newsgroup with no effort at all
on his part. Additionally, he won't find his email inbox clogged up with
hundreds of messages on topics of minimal interest. Mike, if you choose
this option, don't be scared when SM asks to download 59,630 message
headers. It's only downloading the headers, not the whole messages. You
only download a whole message when you choose to view it by clicking on
its header in the list.

I also subscribe and download via POP3 and use SM 2.0.13. In short,
you're saying that this list doesn't have the reply-to entry set. So
anyone who replies sends to the sender, not the list, which is what I am
experiencing. Are you accessing /this/ list via the newsgroup reader in
SM rather than POP3?

Yes, I am, so the "also" in your first sentence does not apply.

Thus, when I reply, SeaMonkey automatically populates
        Newsgroup: mozilla.support.seamonkey
and does not display
        To: Mike <li...@phivegills.com>
as it would for an ordinary email message. Thus, it is not true that "anyone who replies sends to the sender, not the list" because I am replying and my reply doesn't go to you personally (unless of course I force that by manual intervention).

If you will reveal the full headers of this or any other message I have posted to the newsgroup, you will find no To: or Reply-To: fields at all. All you'll see is:
        Newsgroups: mozilla.support.seamonkey

I can go the newsgroup route but would prefer to maintain what I've
always done. Who is the list maintainer so I can send an email and
suggest the reply-to entry be filled? I can email the admin link on
the list page but if there is a better address to try...

Can't help you there. Someone else here probably can.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

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