NoOp wrote:
I had better give more information. I have installed Mint 10 KDE. When
I wanted to install Seamonkey the available version was 2.0.11 while
the latest version was 2.0.13. So I downloaded the full version 2.0.13
of the program, the .deb version, and ran the installer.
Do the same for 2.0.14 - download the full .deb and install the same way
that you did for 2.0.13. I suspect that the upgrade is having permission
issues due to the installation location.
Yes I realise that I can do that. There is no version of Seamonkey in
/usr/bin. If I download the deb file for 2.0.14 and install it, will
it go there? And will it pick up all the set up from my version in
/usr/bin/local? If so then I could change the icon properties to look
in /sur/bin.
Otherwise I can just stay with the 2.0.13 version. But to avoid the
error message every time that I log in I need to remove the downloaded
upgrade file. Trouble is I don't know its name or location.
Thanks for all the help so far
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