trl wrote:

I have many folders within my email inbox.  I use message filters to
sort incoming email into different folders.

In my experience, it's better to move them out of the Inbox (your filters will update automatically) and keep the Inbox small.

When I click on a particular folder, the numbers under 'unread'
'total' and 'size' change.  Most problematic is the 'unread' number
as that is what alerts me to new mail in that folder.  A number
appears in bold in that column and when I click on the folder to see
the new mail, the bold number in the 'unread' column disappears and
in fact there are no unread emails in that folder.  The opposite will
also happen, no number appears in the 'unread' column unless I click
on that particular folder.  Then a number appears and I discover an
unread email in that folder.

Any ideas how to fix this?  Thank you,  TRL

Start by compacting folders and see if that helps.

But for newsgroups, I wouldn't hold out much hope -- message counts have been a weak spot for years.

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