user@domain.invalid wrote:
Mac OS X 10.6.7
Seamonkey 2.0.14, problem first noticed under 2.0.13

My personal certificates and the CA certificates which
authenticate them have disappeared from Seamonkey.
This used to all work prior to 2.0.13 but not neither
my personal certificates nor the CA Authority ceriticates
shows up in the Certificate manager.

However, if I try to re-install (at least one of) the
CA certificates I get a dialog bot saying that the
certificate is already installed but I cannot see it!

Fixed this.  After a bit of googling I decided that my
certificate store was probably corrupted and followed
instructions to stop Seamonkey, delete the cert8.db file
in my profile and restart.  I was then able to reload
my personal certificates and their CA certificates.
All is good again.

= Dr. Frank J. Nagy    [Applied Scientist]
= Fermilab Computing Division/Lab and Scientific Core Services
= Service Operations Support Dept/Engineering Support Group
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