John wrote:
I received this message from Yahoo!
Yahoo! Mail is upgrading: What it means for you.

Thank you for being a Yahoo! Mail user for the past 10 year(s). We look
forward to bringing you an even faster, safer, easier-to-use Yahoo! Mail
very soon.

In the coming months, we will ask you to upgrade to the newest version
of Yahoo!

You can upgrade now to the newest Yahoo! Mail if your browser is
Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3, Safari 4, or Chrome 5 or newer.

If you do not have one of these browsers, you must first update your
browser (it’s fast and free), and then return to this email and click
the Upgrade Now button.

If you don’t upgrade now, we recommend that you upgrade soon. Your
current version of Yahoo! Mail will be available for the next few
months, but eventually you will need to upgrade to the newest version of
Yahoo! Mail.

I know SeaMonkey is based on Firefox, but I've encountered some websites
which work with Firefox but don't recognize SeaMonkey as a valid browser.

If this Yahoo email upgrade doesn't work with SeaMonkey, I will not be a
happy camper.

I hope someone in the SeaMonkey development team is talking with Yahoo
to make sure this doesn't become a problem. Thanks!


The new Yahoo Mail Beta stopped working for me on SeaMonkey 2.1 RC1 (seems there is a problem with my UA, which I can't seem to correct).

If you click on Help on the top of the upgrade your browser page and select Feedback, you can inform Yahoo that it is not your browser that doesn't support Yahoo! Mail Beta, but Yahoo! Mail Beta that does not support your browser which is SeaMonkey 2.0.13. I also included these 2 URL's in my feedback.

That is what I did, but I don't really expect it to be fixed by Yahoo.

The next version of SeaMonkey should work. It did for me until I upgraded to the release candidate.


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