Philip Chee wrote:

SeaMonkey 2.1 is almost out of the gate. We need to make sure that the
Lightning version targetting SM 2.1 works well with it. So I need
volunteers to smoke test Lightning 1.04b on SeaMonkey 2.1

Lightning 1.0b4pre builds are here:
SeaMonkey 2.1pre builds are here:

Lightning will integrate into the MailNews window and you can open new
Calendar and Task tabs via the mini buttons in the tabbar.


(also posted to Mozillazine

Seems Lightning 1.0b4pre has broken my UA, preventing me from using Yahoo! Mail Beta. When Lightning is disabled Yahoo! Mail Beta loads normally.

I suspected Lightning because I noticed my posts on the MozillaZine forums only showed Lightning 1.04bpre as my UA instead of the full build string.

I just installed the latest nightly and the results are the same. Also created a test profile without Lightning and Yahoo! Mail Beta worked. Installed Lightning 1.0b4pre and Yahoo! Mail Beta was disabled again.

Just to be sure I even downloaded and re-installed SM 2.1 RC1.

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