On 11-06-13 11:47 PM, km wrote:
.... is stuck in safe mode. any hlp???

There are two possible causes.

_SeaMonkey was not closed completely_

If you started SeaMonkey in Safe Mode, it will remain in Safe Mode until SeaMonkey is completely closed. The easiest way to make sure SeaMonkey is closed is to restart your computer.

_Shortcut updated to open Safe Mode_

You may have updated the shortcut you use to start SeaMonkey to open it in Safe Mode and forgotten to change it back.

1. Right-click the icon you use to start SeaMonkey and choose "Properties".
2. Click on the "Shortcut" tab.
3. Make sure the Target: box doesn't include -safe-mode at the end.

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Mailing list/Newsgroup moderator
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  • my sm km
    • Re: my sm Chris Ilias

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