Antman008 wrote:
1) Groups appear to be missing from the Bookmark tool. They have been
replaced by a folder with a "Open all in Tabs" as the final link. Is
there a way to convert the folder back into a true group of tabs so I
can avoid the extra scrolling?

No, Groupmarks are gone. Still you can open the contents of any bookmarks folder in tabs by either using the context menu, Ctrl+click, or middle click.

2) In SM 2.0.x, when I open a group of tabs, my current window would
replace the current windows with the Group set. Preferences has a
setting that asks you if you want SM to simply add new tabs or perform
the replacement as 2.0.x did, and I have selected replacement, but SM
2.1 continues to add my "Open all in Tabs" groups as new tabs.

I guess you mean the Link Behavior prefs. They only apply to links determined to be opened in new windows, via scripts, or from external applications. If there is a setting for bookmarks then I don't know it, sorry. The old browser.tabs.loadFolderAndReplace has been removed.

For Firefox, there seem to be add-ons that provide that functionality, like Openintabs-erase, Replacetabs Extension, or Tab Mix Plus. I didn't try any of those but I would assume that at least the former two might be easy to adapt for SeaMonkey (by a knowledgeable add-on developer like Philip Chee).



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