Ed Mullen a écrit :
PhillipJones wrote:
Sridhar Ayengar wrote:

Hi. I just upgraded to Seamonkey 2.1, and I have to say, the experience
has been largely painless, and while Seamonkey 2.0.12 used to peg one
core of my CPU at 100% for hours at a time, and 2.1 doesn't. Kudos.

However, there are two things I'm finding irritating with the new

First, the Ctrl+Plus to increase size function used to be able to go
much bigger. Now it stops me at a certain level. I run my monitor at an
extremely high resolution and often need to increase my size waaay
beyond the level at which it stops me. Is there any way to get it to let
me increase the size further? Perhaps an about:config setting?

Second, I don't like the new scrolling tab bar. I prefer the old
behavior where the tabs just become unreadably small. I tend not to pay
attention to what the tabs read. Rather, I memorize the *order* of my
tabs. In this case, being able to see, at a glance, *how many* tabs are
in the current window is more useful to me than being able to read each
tab's title. Is there any way to revert to the old behavior?

Thanks for the help.

Peace... Sridhar
Check and see if NoSquint is available for 2.1

It is not.

And, Robert Kaiser said that he coded into SM a limitation on zoom
settings simply because if they allowed the pref


to be altered by users then the

View - Text Zoom display would not be accurate.

Peronally, that is unacceptable, as I've stated in another message
thread. My eyesight is MY eyesight. I need to be able to specify what I
need and I don't care a whit for making "localization" interfaces agree.

I need to be able to say:

- site A = x+ zoom
- site B = -x zoom
- site C = ...

Those are the sites I use, and I need to have the ability to fine tune
the zoom settings for those sites. I couldn't care in the least what the
VIEW - TEXT ZOOM menu says. I've been using this software in one
incarnation or another since at leat 1994. And I've NEVER looked at or
used that menu option.

If I change things via about:config, or even a UI access, (and SM's
ability to let me customize things is why I use it) I understand that I
can't expect the UI to track every tweak I make. I DON'T CARE.

But, to deny me that control over the interface is a deal breaker.

Even if I set that pref in a user.js file or the prefs.js file, on
program load those settings are ignored. This is horrible change to the

And it is simply rude in ignoring users' control over their visual
experience with SeaMonkey.


I have nearly the same expectations, as displays are improving their resolutions, and viewing conditions may change in real life, why can't we change easily the zoom level and concurrently the text zoom level, in order to make a comfortable view. to my opinion SM 2.0.* plus nosquint made it as we could use ctrl (shift for text only) mouse wheel up/down

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