km wrote:

> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> km wrote:
>>> ... is there a way  to get rid of that annoying
>>> black bar ( ---- ) in .sigs???
>>> b
>> If you mean the "signature delimiter" it is two hyphens and a space on a
>> line by itself.   "-- "
>> It has the purpose of allowing a replying email client to snip off the
>> sig during a reply. You should leave it intact.
>> See next line:
> ... yes but, i am using... like this:
> dear sir;
> bye;
> km
> ... but each it start with the annoying '----'
> any hlp???
> b

Sorry, I don't understand your brand of English. How about a screenshot?
Post it to a free photo site and give a link.

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