JD a écrit :
cyberzen wrote:
JD a écrit :
cyberzen wrote:
erwincas a écrit :
On Jul 6, 6:56 am, George Carden<cardboa...@comcast.net> wrote:
Any idea why YouTube videos would not play in SeaMonkey suddenly?
don't do a thing. They play fine in IE. This kind of thing makes me
wanna pull (the rest of) my hair out.


Works fine here with SM 2.2b3, WinXp Pro Sp2, Shockwave Flash 10.2

Chech your Add-Ons.

maybe it's pefbar...

I use PrefBar and the videos play fine.

for me prefbar caused crashes in flash the first time I used it, and
recently I installed it one more time, it caused blind square instead of
flash video

Now that you mention it, I used to have a problem with PrefBar and Flash
but SM2 seems to have fixed that. For the record, I'm using SM 2.1,
WinXPSP3, PrefBar v. 5.1.1, build date 20100723

 From my notes, in earlier versions of SM, Prefbar looked for Flash in a
different location than where Flash installed the plugin. The only
problem that created was I couldn't turn Flash on and off using Prefbar.
Like I said, I don't have that problem anymore.

In SM2.1, check the location of your Flash plugin. About:Plugins

File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll
you are right it was there...

When I had the problem, I had to move the Flash plugin, NPSWF32.dll to
the SM plugins folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\"UserName"\Application Data\Mozilla\plugins

With SM2, that folder is empty.

 From your Header, it appears you're using SM 2.0.14.

I decided to put it there :
C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\plugins\NPSWF32.dll

thank you for explaining those clues for flash and prefbar..
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