David E. Ross wrote:
On 7/19/11 10:10 AM, Dick Hoffman wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 7/17/11 2:37 PM, Dick Hoffman wrote:
Running SM 2.2 on a Windows/XP SP3 system, I can't Enable/Disable Java
through the Preferences->Advanced checkbox but can through the Add-ons
Manager. Not a big deal but what's the point of the Preferences checkbox?

I can enable and disable Java through [Edit>   Preferences>   Advanced].
When Java is disabled this way, certain Web pages that I visit very
clearly indicate that Java is missing.

The preference variable is security.enable_java, with "true" being
enabled and "false" being disabled.

I tested the Java checkbox in PrefBar.  There is some kind of disconnect
between that and both [Edit>   Preferences>   Advanced] and about:config.
   While I often disable JavaScript, I never disable Java; so I'm not
planning to find where that disconnect occurs.

We run essentially vanilla SeaMonkey, no add-ons not included in SM's
download. We normally run with Java disabled and enable it for sites
that need it. I've done some further investigation and find that the
Edit->Preferences->Advanced checkbox also does not Enable/Disable Java
on our notebook computer running SM 2.1 under XP-SP3. I'm using the
"Verify installed version" option at www.java.com to test this. When
enabled using the AOM the site says we have Version 6 Update 26, when
disabled via the AOM it loops until I stop it. Using the Preferences
checkbox has no effect on Java's Enabled/Disabled status. The checkbox
does toggle the security.enable_java variable in about:config but does
not change Java's execution status. Should I enter a problem in Bugzilla?

On further testing, I completely agree that there is a bug.  Please
submit your bug report and then post a reply in this thread with the bug

See problem #672665 in Bugzilla.
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