Sun, 07 Aug 2011 18:35:12 +0200, /Ray_Net/:

I see only the top half-millimeters of those two buttons in the page.

Look at bottom of the left pane.

I have been told that it's ok when using Firefox.
I my understanding SM is based, or use the FF codes ? no ?

Perhaps i need some configuration settings with my SM and this is the
cause of not viewing the two buttons correctly...

This is the code of the needed buttons:
<div id="progession">
                         <span class="boutonEtape" id="precedent">Etape
précédente</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="boutonEtape"
id="suivant">Etape suivante</span>

I use SM version ....
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20110608
Firefox/4.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.1

It appears to be "profile specific" for me. I can see scroll-bars and scroll to the bottom of the left pane to see all of the buttons, with my SeaMonkey profile. For some reason (I'm researching) I didn't get scroll-bars using Firefox and my default Firefox profile. Running Firefox in Safe Mode didn't help, but creating a new profile and trying with it showed the scroll-bars just fine. So it doesn't appear SeaMonkey specific. Try the page with a fresh new SeaMonkey profile to see if it makes any difference for you.

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