My bloviated meandering follows what Bret Busby graced us with on 7/3/2011 9:22 PM:
My unbuntu 8.04 on my old(ish) laptop computer has just upgraded the Seamonkey to version 2.

It has changed the appearance of Seamonkey, to some silly looking theme, that is listed as the "default theme".

It appears that software developers design software for their own pleasure, and not for the users.

The "Classic" theme will not install.

The "Littlemonkey" theme has some silly looking phallic symbols to the left of the toolbars.

Is is possible to get a traditional looking theme for Seamonkey 2.x, so that we can have a decent appearance for Seamonkey, like the themes from Seamonkey 1 or Netscape?

I've just ported both the SM1.x Modern Mozillium theme to SM2.2+. It is are available on my server, .

Additionally, I still plan to port the other SeaMonkey themes like (Race Day and Venerable Modern) as time permits.

Fell free to comment back here with any problems or suggestions. You may email me directly, too, if replying by email, I have blacklisted most of the popular email sites such as, aol, gmail, hotmail, yahoo, &c. If you prefer to contact me via email, first reply to this response with your email addy (munged if you prefer) and I will add you to my whitelist and send you a confirmation email.

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