JD wrote:
Ken wrote:
Only 'Home page' is ticked, JD.

- Ken (in Oz)
JD wrote:
Ken wrote:
Hi guys. Have SM 2.0.14 and Windows 7.

Does a screen listing add-ons, etc., really have to open every time I
turn on SM?

Thanks - Ken (in Oz)

Edit, Preferences, Browser. Display on > Browser Startup.

What are your settings there?

OK, this is going to get a little confusing. When somebody replies to
one of my questions, if they post their reply on the bottom of my
question then I post my reply below theirs.

My "home page" is actually a group of pages. Is it possible you've got
"about:addons" in a group of pages? If not, then tick Blank page, OK and
see if you still get the addons page when you start SM.

Hmm.  Don't understand your question, JD, 'Is it possible you've got
> "about:addons" in a group of pages?'

For one, the phrase "about:addons" in your question displayed as a link. On clicking on it, there was only a blank screen.

For another, I'm supposing that by "about:addons" you mean what my browser displays (under Help at the top of page) as 'About Plugins'? I can't see any reference there to groups of pages. (My Mozilla Default Plug-in is shown as not enabled, btw.)

Also, I don't really understand your question generally.

But I went ahead and ticked Blank page, and then re-started the computer. Sure enough, after opening SM, a blank page was displayed. But so too was a separate screen listing my add-ons, etc. Which is what I didn't want, hence my original question.

How can I suppress that separate screen opening each time I start SM?

(JD?  Anyone?)

Thanks - Ken (in Oz)
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