Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
Larry wrote:
S. Beaulieu wrote:
Larry a écrit :
Currently on SM 2.0.14, XP SP3. I've never received an upgrade
notice to
any of the 2.x series (always got notices or upgrades before). My wife
has received all of them.

I had the same thing happen to me. When I checked the upgrade notice
section of the Preferences, I noticed that for some reason, the SM
upgrade box was unchecked, whereas it previously was and I didn't change

I don't know when that happened, but it might be something you'd want to
look into.

Hmmm . . . Excellent suggestion. So, I checked, and of course it was not
checked. I hadn't looked at it, as it was "always" checked over the
years. We'll see if that changes things.

Now feeling a bit stupid, as I usually check preferences before asking
questions. Well, obviously not this time.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Please let us know, within the next few days if this got you upgraded.
If not I have thoughts on how to look into the update server side of
things to check on things. (among other things) But that is more work
anyway :-)

O.K., now getting the "upgrade to 2.2" notices. Question: Do I need to go to 2.2 (from 2.0.14), then 2.3, in two steps, or can I go directly to 2.3? (Assuming manually selecting the upgrade, not an automatic process.)
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