Interviewed by CNN on 27/08/2011 22:55, Tony Bonano told the world:

> Why does SeaMonkey 2.3.1 chose to empty my browsing history every hour
> or so?
> Earlier versions of SeaMonkey 2 didn't do this.
> What is the point of SeaMonkey having a browser history if it doesn't
> store anything in there?

Hmmm, my first thought was related to a "Private Browsing" feature that
seems to have become /de rigueur/ among browsers lately. But I couldn't
find it on Seamonkey, so it doesn't seem to have been ported yet.

However, I did find a relevant option (besides the ones in the "Privacy
& Security" section) in the Preferences...
Preferences/Browser/History: are your "Remember Visited Pages" box checked?


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