On 8/29/2011 9:49 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Mike wrote:
flyguy wrote:

I have the opposite problem: when I get an email with text and graphics,
the graphics are not loaded (intentionally - I have remote images
blocked); when I click on "forward" to forward the email, the images are
loaded. I can work around it (if I remember in time) by going offline,
clicking "Forward", then sending the email.

So, I'm wondering how you achieved what I want to do!

Blocking the images is a personal setting on your computer. Forwarding
the email doesn't forward the block. Their own email settings will
dictate whether they see the images.

It sounded like flyguy was saying the forwarded message did not contain
only the links, but the actual images, but that SM could be kept from
doing this by going offline. If the forwarded message did contain images
and not just links, how did it get them?

That is what I was saying, but I now have an update: when I click Forward (and I'm online), the images are loaded into the message. I don't want that to happen, in case there are web bugs or other image related irritants. When I send it, the images are NOT sent, and the message arrives at the recipients account the same as it did at mine (links, no images). So, at least I'm not causing the recipient any unexpected problems.

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