On 8/31/2011 9:48 PM PT, Justin Wood (Callek) typed:

... Can I do a separate installation of SM2, or does it have to be over
v2.0.14? Thank you in advance. :)

Separate install is fine, you *cannot* reuse the same profile between
both versions without corruption though. 2.0.14->later should work just
fine (there have been some minor reports relating to bookmarks, but are
easily fixable) its the other direction that does not work.

Oh wow. :(

So My recommendation (if you have ANY intent/chance you'll revert):
* Backup your _profile_ folder
* Use help->Check for updates... download/install any update offers,
* You should now be on 2.3.2 (reports as 2.3.1 for now) with your
working profile.

Updater tells me v2.2. Is it not out yet or do I need to wait again?

Alternatively you can install over the old location, or
uninstall/reinstall. But the profile backup is your most important step
if you want to have the option of going back to (security flawed) 2.0.14
[I don't recommend it]

That's why I prefer two different SM2 installations.
"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise: which having no guide, overseer or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer and gathereth her food in the harvest." --Proverbs 6:6-8 (Bible)
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