On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 04:25:31 -0500, Ron Hunter <rphun...@charter.net> wrote
in <xnudnaqn_4exr9htnz2dnuvz_rydn...@mozilla.org>:

>On 8/17/2011 9:54 PM, Peter Boulding wrote:
>> On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:33:59 -0700, Sailfish
>> <removecapssailf...@removecapsunforgettable.com>  wrote in
>> <hdwdnfio_41crthtnz2dnuvz_v-dn...@mozilla.org>:
>> [mozilla.support.seamonkey,mozilla.support.firefox reinserted]
>>> A quick search of this newsgroup would have shown you that this topic
>>> has been brought up several times and deemed OFF-TOPIC for this
>>> newsgroup.
>> "Has been deemed?"  You should listen to yourself.
>> The current "let's replace version numbers with 'up to date' or 'not up to
>> date' and sod add-ons" idiocy is so stunningly crass and so rightly
>> controversial that it's going to get discussed *everywhere* whether you like
>> it or not... and no amount of "off topic here there and everywhere else
>> apart from the Free Speech Zone we set up well away from the building" is
>> going to stop it.
>It is such an earth-shatteringly important thing, right?

Look where it's going: 


Money quote:
"It is part of the phasing out of version numbers in Firefox that's already
well under way (though still incomplete.)"

Regards,   Peter Boulding
pjbne...@unspampboulding.co.uk (to e-mail, remove "UNSPAM")
Fractal Images and Music: http://www.pboulding.co.uk/
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