On Friday, September 09, 2011 01:04:02 AM Francesco Presel wrote:
> I'm using SM 2.3.3 on linux x86_64 (I am using the contributed 64 bit
> build).
> Sometimes, especially while surfing the Bookmarks menu, the CPU usage
> suddenly rises to 100%, and the computer gets therefore blocked.
> Then, after some 10-15 seconds, everything gets back to normal.
> I think this issue has already come out, but I can't find it, and
> it's not in the release notes, so I'll report that, at least for me,
> it's not solved yet.
Do you have some kind of indexing software turned in. You don't say what 
distro your using. In openSUSE they have indexing software but I have it 
turned off. I'm running Sm 2.3.4 and have not seen the above problem.
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